Importance of Professional Translation Services in Public Sector

Do we need translation services in the public sector? When you look at the public sector in different countries, what can prompt them to agitate for translation services?

As we talk about translation services, we mean translating documents from one language to another, might be from English to German or German to English, but not limited to these two languages.

Public places are always bombarded by people who speak different languages seeking for help, so how do they understand each other? Basically, translation and interpretation are the best choices in this place.

What is public sector?

This is part of the economy controlled by the government in any country and plays a role in delivering social services to the communities. We can talk of places like government hospitals, public schools, police, army, local government and etc.

Currently, the United States public sector increased the procurement of translation services to help people who are non-English speakers, these people need government services like health care, education, legal aid, and public protection. To ease communication, translation is proved to work better.

The governments in different countries can procure translation and interpretation services from professional translation agencies with professional translators and interpreters working in their own native languages.

How translation services helpful to the public sector?

Not only the public sector that requires translation services, different business entities, private organizations and individual business dealings all over the world today need translations so as to run their activities smoothly.

Government hospitals as part of the public sector require translation services, why? With medical related issues, it’s all about dealing with the lives and the health of people. This requires clear communication between the doctor and the patient. A medical interpreter will help the patient to explain the problem fully to the doctor as well as making sure that the doctor understands the patient’s problem. As I said earlier that in public places like medical centers, health care units, people of different tribes, different language speakers visit these them looking for medical care, translation services will, therefore, be helpful.

On the side of security providers like police and army, translation services will make police play their role smoothly in maintaining the law and order, translation agencies have translators and interpreters in all different fields, police will be provided with police translators and interpreters if required and will expertly do their work by conveying the message to the public in different languages. For those who cannot read police and army published documents in the source language provided, their respective translators and interpreters are available to provide translations interpreting services.

In Marc Jones article in 7th/01/2016, says in 2012 and 2013, the Lincolnshire police spent £373,958 for translation services for more than 30 languages. This comes to my observation that translation is a vital activity everywhere in the world, it, therefore, helps the police to have a clear communication with people.

Legal aid access needs translation services. There are people who may not afford and need legal representation in courts of law, basing on the fact that someone is a non-English speaker a language which is commonly used in various offices, legal aid translation and interpretation is necessary.

Under public education sector, we find that translation services play a vital role in fostering communication between students who are non-English speakers and teachers. Public education will need translators and interpreters to help learners to access education services in a language they understand. It will be discriminating if education services are offered in one language which some people can’t understand and it will show that the government ignores foreign native speakers to attend classes in her country.